Young Toddlers & Toddlers
(15 months to age 3)
Our Toddler program is an exciting place to be!
Our staff plans the program for our youngest children by using the latest 0-3 brain research. We use The Creative Curriculum and follow the developmentally appropriate practices as set forth by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. With one class of up to 9 young toddlers and one larger class of older toddlers (grouped 9 & 4) with six teachers shared between the three classes, we maintain a high teacher/child ratio We also have an assistant that floats between the three classes.
Your child’s day will be filled with activities that are designed with learning and fun in mind We use lots of sensory materials. We like to SEE, FEEL, SMELL, and TASTE! The toddler playground is set aside from that of the preschool and was developed specifically for this age group.
A loving and patient staff spends time playing with, feeding and diapering your child while encouraging language development and self-help skills throughout the day. These routines become part of our curriculum as every moment is a “teachable one”.